Systems Integration

What is Systems Integration?

Systems Integration is the process in which two separate instances of software are linked in a way that allows the software to communicate effectively with some level of automation.  That generally means either integrating a new application with your existing software, or creating systems that link two applications already in use.  

Examples of systems that can be optimized with Alpha Particle Systems Integration services to include Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp, WordPress, Gmail & other G Suite applications, Atlassian products, third-party data feeds, ecommerce platforms, and many more.

How can Alpha Particle help with Systems Integration?

Your organization likely uses several different software systems, some of which you may not even be aware of.  While some of this software communicates with other systems efficiently, some either does so poorly or not at all.  That’s where Alpha Particle can can help bridge the gap between systems, thereby increasing organizational efficiency.  

Whether your organization needs to implement new software solutions that must be integrated, or better utilize the solutions in place, we can use Systems Integration to realize four benefits:

  • Savings through the implementation of more cost effective software
  • More efficient use of employee time through the automation of processes
  • Greater preservation of data fidelity through the elimination of human error
  • Better customer response time and organizational efficiency through better designed notification processes

In an recent example, a firm focused on brand strategy asked Alpha Particle for assistance in streamlining the systems integrated with their website.  Among other changes we were able to migrate data and functionality from their under-utilized CRM, HubSpot, to Mailchimp.  This created a much more consolidated and efficient set of software systems, and reduced the client’s monthly CRM costs by 95%.

Linking existing systems

Any time a member of your organization has to manually move information from one system to another (e.g. exporting/importing, copy-and-pasting, or manual processing of data feeds) there is opportunity to integrate those systems and provide significant benefits.  This might mean linking your website with your CRM, inventory management tools with marketing tools, project management software with customer service portals, or new applications with legacy databases, among many other possibilities.

Implementing new software solutions

The answers to many issues your organization may face are already available in existing software solutions.  Helping select those solutions, and seamlessly integrating them into your existing software ecosystem allows Alpha Particle to provide significant savings and increased efficiency for your organization.  
