How to implement “Minor edit – do not update translation” as a default in WPML

We’ve been working on a large WPML implementation lately with quite a few translated pieces of content. If you haven’t used WPML before, you might not know that changing the contents of a page that’s already been translated marks the other translations as out of date. This means WPML wants you to update them to reflect the content changes you made on the English page.

However, there are sometimes when the changes you’re making on the English page do not require re-translating the other pages. This is why WPML implements a button hidden all the way down in the right hand sidebar of the block editor under a heading of Minor edit that says, “Don’t update translation”. If this box is checked, any changes you make on the page you’re currently editing won’t affect the other translated version of that particular page.

The minor edit checkbox as it appears in the Block Editor

One you get all the translations in and a site gets up and running, it’s often the case that the edits you’re making to each page will be relatively minor and forgetting to check this box can cost you a lot of time when you have to retranslate pages that may not have required it in the first place. While we were searching for a solution, we found many posts on the WPML support forums asking for a way to have this box checked off by default, but the WPML support team referred each of these customers to their contractors to get a custom solution built. So we built a custom solution of our own.

Because this code only makes sense to run in the admin area (as it only affects the editor and nothing on the front end of the site), it should be enqueued using the admin_enqueue_scripts hook.

Once you have the file enqueued and loading in the admin area, you need to fill it with the code to check off the “Minor edit – Don’t update translation” box.

// Wait until the page is loaded so that the markup we are targeting exists document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { // Look for the WPML checkbox that we are trying to target const minorChangeBox = document.querySelector('#icl_minor_change_box input[type="checkbox"'); // If the checkbox exists on the particular page we're on... if (minorChangeBox) { // it, causing it to be checked off; } });
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

And that’s it! Now when you load your content in the block editor, you should see that the “Minor edit – Don’t update translation” is checked by default. Of course, if you make an edit that does require updating a translation, you should uncheck this box. But once you are in a position where updates to your site are mostly minor, this can come in handy!

How can we help?

Do you feel like you’re fighting against your WordPress site and could benefit from workflow improvements like this? Reach out either by using the contact form below or sending an email to and let’s talk about how we can get your software to work for you, not the other way around!

WordPress Developer

Alpha Particle is expanding and looking for a WordPress Developer who can tackle some of our production WordPress work. This means building custom themes (either completely from scratch or Child Themes) as well as plugins to fit our client’s needs.

You’ll be working directly under our CTO. This position is focused on helping you grow as a developer while shipping code that goes directly into the hands of our clients, or in most cases, straight onto the web.

The ideal candidate is in the Chicago area, but remote candidates are welcome. The entire team is currently working remotely, but will be looking to find office space again when it’s safe to do so. Most of our work happens on Slack, Trello, and Github.

This is a contract position, but ideally you’d have at least 10 hours per week of availability. We will work with you well in advance to determine scheduling of various projects as they come in.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Familiarity with the WordPress ecosystem: You know how themes are constructed, how WordPress deals with templates, how child themes work, and how plugins work.
  • HTML/CSS/JS proficiency: We need you to know the basics of how a webpage is put together.
  • SASS/CSS3: We use SASS or CSS3 for all of our styling. This also typically means you’ll need to know a build tool. We use Gulp or Webpack depending on the project. While we don’t expect you to know how to configure these yourself, hopefully you have experience using build tooling that’s already set up.
  • Git: Everything we do is version controlled and this is also tied into how we handle deployments, so it’s important that you’re comfortable using Git.
  • Have built something custom in WordPress before: You’ve built either a theme or a plugin or something that is more than just activating code that someone else wrote or tweaking settings in wp-admin.

Nice to have:

  • PHP proficiency: It would be nice if you were comfortable with functions.php and how to do things on the server side.
  • Experience using WordPress hooks/filters: Sometimes we don’t get to do everything completely custom, so if you could use hooks and filters to modify existing functionality, that would be great.
  • Experience tuning WordPress performance: Things like what sorts of DB queries to avoid, when caching is appropriate, etc.

If this sounds like you, send us a note to with the subject line WordPress Developer Job and tell us why you think you’d be a good fit. Please include your resume and/or a link to your personal site along with your hourly rate.