Building a platform to support shifting business strategy with Horse Side Vet Guide

The Homepage

When Horse Side Vet Guide approached Alpha Particle, they had already invested a large amount of time and money into their existing infrastructure and offshore teams.

At the same time, shifting business strategy necessitated the need for their technology to adapt. They had built up users for their mobile app and a following for the website and and social media, but needed to make monetization and strategy changes.

Rewriting and rebuilding the entire platform was out of the question and HSVG engaged Alpha Particle to make the necessary changes while utilizing their existing technology.

The Alpha Particle Approach

From the very beginning, we knew we needed to determine what business goals were really important for advancing the business. We needed to distinguish what was going to move the needle in terms of traffic and revenue from what was just a “nice to have.” To this end, we commissioned a market research study to help HSVG understand the various strategy and monetization options that were available for us to pursue. From this initial survey, we determined that augmenting the existing benefits to sponsorship and engaging more sponsorships would have the most immediate impact on revenue and the sustainability of the business.

Delivering More Value to Sponsors

Sponsored Search Results

We moved quickly to build out the ability for editors within the CMS to associate sponsors with certain posts, certain pages of search results, or certain other areas of the site such as the sidebar or the footer of the homepage. We also built out a solution using Google Analytics Events that would allow sponsors to have even greater visibility into what sort of impressions and clicks their creative was generating and how their sponsorship positions were performing on the site. By helping HSVG deliver more value to their sponsors, we hoped to be able to increase both the number of sponsorships and the value of each of these partnerships.

Building Trust with an Updated Interface

The old interface

Internet users today rely on first impressions as a key signal for whether a brand is trustworthy or not and with an outdated interface, Horse Side Vet Guide was not putting its best foot forward. We performed a UX audit which led to a redesign and redevelopment of key areas of the HSVG website.

The new interface, as designed and implemented by Alpha Particle

This would increase credibility with users and make them more likely to trust the top-quality information that already existed on the site. At the same time, the redesign would make the content easier to access and make the relationships between different pieces of content more clear. In addition, this new interface was much more appealing to sponsors, while supporting all the newly-developed sponsorship positions.

What’s Next

Going forward, HSVG will continue to sign up sponsors and retain them using the new tooling that’s been built as part of this engagement. In addition, they will continue to explore the monetization changes the revenue impact that switching users to a monthly subscription would have. This was scoped out as part of Alpha Particle’s engagement, but is still yet to be implemented.

How Can We Help?

If you want to talk more about this project or how we can have a similar impact on your project, please reach out using the contact form below or send an email to

Creating a seamless migration experience with 1CM

1 Click Migration started with the a single goal: to be the most user-friendly and powerful migration plugin on the market. It wouldn’t be the first, but the idea was that with just a couple steps, a user could move their site from one place to another by installing a single plugin. No worrying about storage, which host they were on, or technical specifications of each server, just a simple, straightforward migration.

The Alpha Particle Approach

We began by taking a look at the migration plugins already on the market. We looked at what they did well and how they implemented their approach. Based on this audit as well as our own architecture plan, we came up with an implementation blueprint. However, all the plugins we surveyed required you to bring your own storage solution, either by downloading your migration files, paying for your own cloud storage solution, or paying a subscription fee to use the plugin. For 1 Click Migration, we wanted to offer users a free plugin with truly no strings attached, so we got to work.

Serverless and Cloud Storage Combined

To make this plugin free without maintenance costs breaking the bank, we relied heavily on cloud technologies, specifically Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) S3 storage solution and Lambda, their serverless solution.

By leveraging both of these technologies, we could spin up and spin down storage on the fly for each of the plugins users. This kept costs low, as buckets were automatically decommissioned when they were no longer needed. In addition, this meant each customers data was stored separately and could be encrypted on a per-user basis, increasing security.

With this solution deployed, it meant the plugin could be entirely self-service for users. They could initiate and complete migrations with no involvement from the 1 Click Migration team and after their migration was complete, their files would be cleaned up automatically.

One Plugin, Every Environment

The fact that the plugin abstracted away storage concerns and was extremely simple to use would mean nothing if the plugin didn’t work. We worked with the 1 Click Migration team to test the plugin on a huge list of popular WordPress hosts. From shared hosting to managed hosting all the way up to dedicated VPS solutions, we wanted to make sure the plugin worked no matter your environment.

This necessitated the use of workarounds like moving the long-running processes of encryption and upload into the background to avoid timeout limits, splitting the files to avoid large uploads folders from breaking the migration, and much more.

Only when we were confident the plugin could handle everything that a user could throw at it did we release this plugin into the WordPress Plugin Repository.

How Can We Help?

If you want to talk more about this project or how we can have a similar impact on your project, please reach out using the contact form below or send an email to