Supporting Time Ranges for Manually Built Nova Value Metrics in Laravel


Manually built metrics in Nova don’t support the time-range dropdown that the Nova helper functions support, and the Nova helper functions don’t handle many<->many relationships well (at least not the way I needed).

To get around this, you can use two protected functions from the parent Value class: currentRange() and previousRange(). Just don’t forget to pass in the current admin’s timezone!

Just looking for a code snippet? Jump to the end.

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Metric cards in Nova can be produced rapidly, are straightforward to plan and explain, and provide high-impact ‘quick wins’ when using Nova to build out a dashboard for a Laravel application.

Class Structure

Value metrics generally consist of four methods: calculate()ranges()cacheFor(), and uriKey(). We’re only concerned with the first two.

The ranges method ultimately populates the dropdown on the frontend. It returns an array of time ranges your metric will support, and is pre-populated by Artisan. If you don’t want to support ranges, you can remove this method; it’s actually optional, and you can add/remove ranges from the returned array as you see fit.

The Calculate Method

Metrics are centered around that calculate method, which can frequently be a one-liner. The parent class for ranged metrics includes methods for the most frequent queries you’d want to make (count, sum, max, min, and average), so as long as you’re creating a metric for an eloquent model — say, users — Nova (and Artisan) will do most of the work for you. The calculate method for metric measuring how your app is growing might look like this:

use App\User; public function calculate(NovaRequest $request) { return $this->count( $request, User::class ); }
Code language: PHP (php)

and would return the number of users your app has acquired (over a given range), along with a percent increase or decrease compared to the the previous period. You can also further specify your query for users matching a particular set of rules (for example, if your users had an account_status, you could alter the return statement like so:

public function calculate(NovaRequest $request) { $this->count( $request, User::where('account_status', 'active')) }
Code language: PHP (php)

The metric looks pretty good on the frontend out of the box, too:

New User Metric Screenshot

Note the range dropdown in the upper right; this is where the ranges() method comes in — you can choose what options appear in that dropdown by setting them in that method (or, if you’re happy with the default options that are pre-populated, don’t worry about it!). The actual implementation of this feature seems to be Nova magic.

This is great for simple metrics like counting how many active users there are in your application, or counting the number of posts that were published, but what if you want to report on a metric that isn’t covered by Nova helper functions?

Manually Building Results Values

Manually building results is equally straightforward at first glance. Nova metrics support manually building result values. It even supports including reporting previous result values, so long as you calculate them yourself:

public function calculate(NovaRequest $request) { $result = //some query $previous = //another query (optional) return $this->result($result)->previous($previous); }
Code language: PHP (php)

This works well for reporting a value in one time range, but when you build your results manually, you lose the ability to dynamically compare the metric across different time ranges (see the dropdown in the upper right of the screenshot above). What if you need that dropdown?


We needed to return a count of the records in the pivot table (in this case, we have a badges table and users , and need to report the total number of badges earned (by all users, over a time range).

Building that result manually is easy enough: We can use Laravel’s database facade to count the records in the user_badges pivot table:

$result = DB::table('user_badges') ->count();
Code language: PHP (php)

We can even compare to a previous value if we calculate it ourselves, but it won’t connect to the ranges() method, so this only works if we hardcode a fixed time range. What about that dropdown?

Total Badges Earned Hardcoded Time Range

I was unable to find anything in the documentation on how to handle ranges if building the result values manually, especially to support the dropdown that seems to be Nova magic for straightforward metrics. Fortunately, we can look at how Nova’s metric helper functions are written for ideas. There is an answer in the source code!

Looking Under the Hood: How Nova implements Metrics classes

The metrics classes we generate with Artisan extend the abstract class Value. This class contains the helper methods you use for simple metrics. There isn’t a whole lot happening in these helpers, however. They’re all one-liners that call a protected method. It’s that protected method, aggregate(), that’s of interest to us:

protected function aggregate($request, $model, $function, $column = null, $dateColumn = null) { $query = $model instanceof Builder ? $model : (new $model)->newQuery(); $column = $column ?? $query->getModel()->getQualifiedKeyName(); $timezone = Nova::resolveUserTimezone($request) ?? $request->timezone; $previousValue = round(with(clone $query)->whereBetween( $dateColumn ?? $query->getModel()->getCreatedAtColumn(), $this->previousRange($request->range, $timezone) )->{$function}($column), $this->precision); return $this->result( round(with(clone $query)->whereBetween( $dateColumn ?? $query->getModel()->getCreatedAtColumn(), $this->currentRange($request->range, $timezone) )->{$function}($column), $this->precision) )->previous($previousValue); }
Code language: PHP (php)

This method may look like a lot, but at a bird’s eye view, it’s doing something that’s already documented, both in this post and in Nova’s official docs – it’s manually building a result and a previous value, and returning them! To do this, it’s using two more protected helper methods: currentRange() and previousRange(). So when we manually build results in our metrics class, we’re overriding these!

It follows that we can do the same in our class to support time ranges. However, that method takes two inputs, which we must remember to pass in ourselves: the timezone of the current user (conveniently calculated in the third line of the aggregate method above) and the time range (which even more conveniently is passed in as part of the request).

So, the strategy is to use these two helper functions to help manually build our result.

My Final Calculate Function

public function calculate(NovaRequest $request) { $timezone = Nova::resolveUserTimezone($request) ?? $request->timezone; $result = DB::table('user_badges') ->whereBetween( 'created_at', $this->currentRange($request->range, $timezone) ) ->count(); $previous = DB::table('user_badges') ->whereBetween( 'created_at', $this->previousRange($request->range, $timezone) ) ->count(); return $this->result($result)->previous($previous); }
Code language: PHP (php)

This approach, in combination with the built in ranges() method, successfully counts the number of records in the pivot table that were created within the time range selected on the front end.

Total Badges Earned Complete

Write and publish faster with Block Editor keyboard shortcuts

I’ve been using the Block Editor since it was released in WordPress 5.0, but as I’ve been creating and updating more content, I’ve found one strange user interaction that I didn’t know how to get around. When I move my mouse up to the top right of the screen, the Update/Publish button is very close to the Admin Bar, which has a hover state. For example, if I move my mouse just a couple pixels too far, I get the hover state for the logged in user rather than being able to click the Update button.

Accidentally hovering over the admin bar instead of clicking the Update button

Sometimes, if I click too quickly, the browser even starts to navigate away from the editor with potentially unsaved changes!

As I looked into this, I found an interesting feature of the Block Editor that I didn’t know existed: keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts makes the block editor feel much more like Google Docs or even a desktop application like Microsoft Word.

Block Editor keyboard shortcuts panel

For example, instead of having to take my hands off the keyboard and use the mouse to click the Update button, I can use Cmd + S to save the post that I’m working on, just like I would in any desktop application. This means I can save my work more often without interrupting my flow while I’m writing.

The time savings and keyboard shortcuts don’t stop there, however. If you want to be a real power user, you can use Ctrl + Option + H (on a Mac) or Shift + Alt + H (on Windows) to bring up a panel that will show you all the keyboard shortcuts that the editor supports.

Quicker Block Inserts

One of the biggest keyboard shortcuts that hasn’t gotten much attention is the block inserter shortcut. From within the editor (but not from within a block) you can press the / key and just start typing the name of the block you’re trying to insert. This allows you to insert a new block and continue creating content without leaving the keyboard.

What’s Next?

There’s been some discussion around allowing users (and potentially custom blocks) to register their own keyboard shortcuts. However, that would come with a huge possibility of different blocks trying to register the same keyboard shortcut along with a host of other potential issues. For the time being, it looks like users will have to stick with the shortcuts supported out of the box.

Lucky for us, the keyboard shortcuts that do ship natively with the Block Editor are quite comprehensive, and powerful. Mastering them will help you complete common actions faster and will allow you to use the new editor to its full potential.

The Alpha Particle Perspective: Alexa Healthcare Skills

Amazon announced last month that Alexa will now select partners in the healthcare industry to build skills that transmit protected health information in what they’re calling a new “HIPPA-eligible environment”.

The skills that are launching as part of the new program allow users to:

  • Check and request notifications regarding the status of prescription delivery
  • Find an urgent care center and schedule a same day appointment
  • Update child care teams on progress of post-surgery recovery and receive additional appointment information
  • Ask for their latest blood sugar reading, learn about their personal trends and receive insights about this data
  • Manage health improvement goals

Despite some of these skills being potentially complex, some are a great fit for a voice interface.

What makes a good voice interface?

Navigating automated voice menus can be more frustrating than necessary. It always feels as though by the time you’re asked to “Press 9 for…” you’ve already forgotten what you were trying to accomplish in the first place. Voice interfaces are different as they function more like a conversation, with one clear choice or action to take at a time. This is also a departure from web or mobile design, where users handle multiple options in front of them on a screen at the same time.

Voice has some clear advantages, given that is can ask a user one question and provide one answer. It is also more accessible to many users, especially those that are visually impaired. However, for a skill to realize these advantages, some design conventions need to be followed.

For a voice interface to be good, it has to have a clear, established flow from beginning to end. If one gets lost during the flow on a web interface, it’s easier for a user to click around and start over. But on a voice interface, its functionality and user-friendliness is highly dependent on the flow being one that is universally easy to follow.

While a voice interface has its benefits, it’s still quite difficult to obtain accurate complex information through it, like usernames, passwords, locations, menu selections, or others. Many skills compensate for this difficulty by having the user enter the required information online, and then linking the user’s account on their service through a device.

To cite an example, the Lyft skill allows users to book a Lyft from either home or work addresses previously saved to the app. The Dominos skill saves favorite and recent orders, which allows you to quickly re-order the same items without having to enter each one individually. With that in mind, let’s take a look at one of these skills that fits this criteria.

Swedish Health Connect Skill

The Swedish Health Connect Skill equips their registered users with the ability to link their accounts to Alexa. They can then schedule appointments according to their own convenience. As they describe it:

Get started with booking same-day or next-day appointments by saying “Alexa, open Swedish Health Connect”. Alexa will suggest the next available appointments at a Swedish Express Care Clinic near your home. Need to be more specific? Just say, “Alexa, ask Swedish Health Connect to schedule an appointment tomorrow at 8 am.” Or open the skill and say “Schedule an appointment today after 6 pm.”

Swedish Health Connect

This provides the user with a clear path through the skill to accomplish their desired functionality. When the skill opens, it prompts the user right away with suggestions for a nearby facility, based on information it already knows about the user’s location. As we noted above, the pathway through the skill is made easier by the fact that the user already entered this information online and doesn’t have to be prompted for it.

The user is also presented with a few different options, all of which are related to the action of scheduling an appointment, with variations on times and certain specificities. The skill has a clear purpose, with clear call to actions throughout, and without trying to do too much.

How can voice interface change your business?

Interested in exploring a voice interface like this for your business? Reach out using the contact form below or email us directly at, and let’s discuss how we can help.

WordPress 5.0 and Beyond

The Alpha Particle team just got back from WordCamp US, the annual conference centered around the WordPress project. The topic on everyone’s mind was, not surprisingly, Gutenberg and how the new editor experience that was released in WordPress 5.0 will shape the WordPress ecosystem going forward.

The WordPress Community

The release process for WordPress 5.0 was one of the most controversial in recent memory, with many in the community upset with the lack of transparency from the release leads. Prominent community members took issue with the timing of release, the lack of clearly stated priorities, as the dichotomy between being told their contributions were important but ultimately seeing them ignored or pushed to a future release. This was definitely a shift from past releases and the general mood seemed to be a much more contained enthusiasm than I had seen at previous events.

At the heart of WordPress is its community and alienating that community will limit WordPress in many ways. To that end, the community is stepping up and offering alternative suggestions for how the WordPress project is goverened, which will ensure that the community is more involved in the process of moving WordPress forward.

For more information on this, check out The WordPress Governance Project(link here).


Now that 5.0 has been released, the Gutenberg editor is now the default editor in WordPress. If you want your editing experience to stay the same, you can install the Classic Editor plugin, but many people across the ecosystem are now experiencing and using a new editing experience in WordPress.

Any new initiative like this will have bugs, no matter how rigorusoly (sp?) it is tested, and Gutenberg is no exception. However, as Matt Mullenweg highlighted in his “State of the Word”, many people are enjoying using Gutenberg.

This is certainly a shift for the community and is being felt in a few different areas:

Developer Experience

Whereas the lingua franca of WordPress has always been PHP, Gutenberg brings Javascript to the forefront of the developer experience in WordPress. This brings along with it concepts like NPM, babel, and a whole host of other concepts, which can be daunting for developers who had a grasp on PHP, but have mostly been absent from the rapid development of front end technologies in recent years.

While Gutenberg still supports metaboxes and the old interfaces, it’s clear that blocks are the new first-class citizens in the WordPress admin screen and for developers to provide the best possible experiences for their clients, they will need to learn how to develop blocks with Javascript.

Plugin Authors

Similar to theme developers, authors of the 40,000+ plugins in the WordPress repository will need to evaluate how their plugins work and determine what functionality, if any, needs to be upgraded to use blocks. For this reason, plugin developers were some of the most outspoken about the vague release date of WordPress 5.0.

Some plugins are already Gutenberg-ready and fully support the block concept, but most are catching up to this new release. Plugins that modified the old editor have an even more complicated choice to make, because while they may want to update to be Gutenberg-ready, many of their users will likely be using the Classic Editor plugin, which will need to be supported as well.


Both the WordPress Support Forum staff and theme and plugin authors were busy before the release making plans for how to handle the support load of this new release. When any interface changes as significantly as the editor did in 5.0, there is inevitably an increase in questions and support needs from everyday users.

So far, anecdotal evidence points to this being a non-issue, but as the use of Gutenberg moves from mostly early-adopters and people comfortable with new interfaces to the general WordPress population, this could become an issue.

The Future of WordPress

Now that 5.0 has shipped, Matt Mullenweg used much of his “State of the Word” address to discuss the future of the WordPress project.

Notably, he highlighted that the minimum version of PHP needed to run WordPress will be adjusted in the near future. This is something developers and platform advocates have been requesting for a long time, and ensure the ecosystem will run on the most secure and performant infrastructure possible.

In addition, he discussed how he sees the concept of blocks taking over the entire WordPress admin experience, including things like menus and widgets.

Looking Forward

It’s an exciting and uncertain time in the WordPress ecosystem, as the project is going through systemic change, both on the governance side as well as the technology underlying the project.

But at it’s core, WordPress is all about the community. This is a community that Alpha Particle has been a part of since the company’s inception and one we will continue to support. This sense of community was extremely evident at WordCamp’s contributor day, when 100+ people came together to contribute to the WordPress project. This group provided translations, worked on new code audit tools, imprpoved the mobile experience, and much more.

This community is what will truly keep WordPress moving forward and we’re excited to see what new things we can build.

The Alpha Particle Perspective: “Marketing in the Age of Alexa”

In a recent issue for the Harvard Business Review, Niraj Dawar covered the challenges and opportunities that exist as we move into an era of voice-driven technology. Here at Alpha Particle, this is a concept we’ve been thinking and speaking about recently. As such, we wanted to take an opportunity to respond to this article. Feel free to read the full article on HBR first or skip straight to our takeaways below.

Voice is a growing market

Amazon has sold ~25 million smart speaker units and is expected to double that number by 2020. Google Assistant is available on ~400 million devices (Google Home smart speakers as well as select Android phones). These numbers show that even though voice is a relatively new interface, consumers are adopting it at a rapid rate.  We have seen users who struggle to use traditional text or cursor-based navigational interfaces embrace voice, and this leads us to believe this adoption will only continue to grow.

It’s too early to determine which platform (Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana) will become dominant, however that will become more clear as the platforms continue to develop. Thankfully, development for most of the platforms can occur out of one codebase with only minimal work required to port between the interfaces. This is why we’re recommending companies make their skills available on all possible platforms until a market leader emerges.

Voice will be a powerful interface for customer acquisition

Brand marketing will shift from marketing directly to the consumer towards marketing to these AI-based platforms (Alexa) and indicating your “ideal customer” through various signals including branding, price, past buyers, and more.  The platform will then help you get in front of these ideal customers, which is mutually beneficial for both the customer and the vendor.  While we are always a bit skeptical of this sort of algorithmic matching (Facebook’s fake news epidemic and Google’s algorithmic woes come to mind), we have seen Amazon and other online retailers already moving in this direction with “More items to consider” and “Shoppers like you also viewed”.

Taking the current trend of web analytics even further, brands will be able to perform “market research” with existing data and intelligence on actual customers rather than relying on focus groups or other conventional methods.  This could make bringing new products to market more efficient and likely to succeed, given that brands will be able to see holes in the market throughs search data and other measures of consumer intent.

Customer satisfaction will be more crucial to retention

Today, customers don’t often reassess whether a brand or product is still right for them. If it works well enough, then they stick with what they are already using. In the future of AI-powered platforms, the AI can constantly reassess whether another product or brand would be a better fit for the customer and prompt them to switch or even gain their permission to make these sort of substitutions automatically. This radical shift in the relationship between the brand and the consumer means that brands will have to be even more closely aligned with their ideal customer in order to keep their business in the era of AI-driven purchasing decisions.

“Push marketing (getting platforms to carry and promote a product) will become more important, while pull marketing (persuading consumers to seek products) becomes less so.” – Harvard Business Review, 2018

Brands will need to get their products on these AI-platforms to get them in front of customers rather than targeting customers directly through more traditional advertising. While this will allow companies to focus their marketing efforts on these platforms, the potential for getting lost in the black box of the algorithms is a potential concern. In sharp contrast to the past, rather than making selling more products and maximizing throughput, the goal for brands now will be maximizing the depth of their relationship with the consumer. This will ensure their products continue to be suggested to these consumers and new products put in front of these same consumers in the future.

Ready to get started?

Reach out using the contact form below or email us directly ( and let’s talk about how we can help your business develop a voice interface to better serve your customers.

Working as a Freelancer With an In-House Development Team

I’m happy to be able to contribute to other blogs and publications, and this article on Simple Programmer was no exception. In many cases, we come in to work with existing development teams or coach other developers on navigating this process. Looking for some help augmenting your dev team? Don’t hesitate to reach out.  Now, let’s get to the post:

At some point as a freelance developer, you will likely be asked to apply your expertise to a team comprised of full-time employees.

Joining a team like this as a contractor or freelancer can be a great opportunity. You can find new peers in your industry and get a chance to apply your knowledge to a new and challenging problem. If you are a senior developer, this can be a great chance to mentor a junior team.

However it can also be frustrating. You might struggle to fit in if everyone on the team already knows each other; not truly being a part of the company can create some tension. Navigating these technical and interpersonal minefields successfully can turn a potential disaster into a very rewarding experience.

Take note that any experience you earn will largely depend on why your client decided to hire you in the first place. It’s important to know why you were brought on and how you fit into the project.

Why Do Companies with Full-Time Employees Bring on Freelancers?

There are a few reasons companies with an existing full-time staff hire freelancers. They essentially boil down to their current staffing arrangement not being a perfect fit for their existing needs.

Need Experience in a New Stack

For example, if the full-time staff has years of experience in Java, but a new project at the company is being built in PHP, companies will often hire an experienced PHP developer to help the staff get familiar with the new stack.

A freelancer can be a good intermediate step in this process, helping to get the existing team up to speed on the new technology more quickly. With a knowledgeable freelancer at their back, the company won’t be forced to hire all new developers or even commit to hiring any full-time employees until it’s decided that PHP will be a firm direction going forward.

A Project Is Behind

If a project is behind deadline or moving in that direction, companies will sometimes hire freelancers to augment the existing team, thinking that having more developers on the project will make the end result ship faster.

As detailed in The Mythical Man-Month, this scenario rarely works out that simply; nonetheless, you may be in a position where time is the most important requirement. If the project is already behind when you join the team, that’s a very important fact to know when you begin since it can affect some of the engineering decisions you make and even some of the office political pressure you’ll be under.

Trying to Expand the Existing Team

Hiring is hard. Especially with the explosion of people learning to be developers, it can be difficult to distinguish superior developers from mediocre ones.

One of the ways companies deal with this problem is to hire freelancers on a “contract-to-hire” basis. Contract-to-hire arrangements define a period of time where a contractor (or freelancer) will work for a company. When that period ends, the employer can decide if they want to hire the contractor on as a full-time employee.

With a contract in place, the employer’s risk is reduced because, by the time they decide to hire the contractor full-time or not, they already know how well they work. Many freelancers prefer this as well since they don’t have to decide to take a job not knowing whether they’ll fit in at the company’s environment or not.

Whatever you decide to do as a freelancer, make sure you know what you’re getting into. When you start as a temp or a contract-to-hire, being aware of your situation and the employer’s needs can be an important step in making the project run smoothly. Each of these arrangements implies a different political landscape for you to navigate as a freelancer.

Dealing With Politics

Many freelancers strike out on their own to avoid the corporate politics that plague many full-time employees. Choosing to work for a company as someone who isn’t as tightly integrated into the team as the full-time members means that it can be difficult to get your ideas accepted or your contributions welcomed if the team feels threatened by your presence.

In addition, it can be difficult to find out where you fit into the team if you were hired by someone higher up in the company. Depending on the team’s size, you may get passed around between different projects with no real direction unless there is someone you can specifically report to.

In any environment—but especially as a freelancer who’s new to the team—soft skills are critical. Things like figuring out how you can best help the direction of the team, who you ask for help, and how you fit into the overall team structure are crucial to ensuring a successful project. Working as part of an existing team means determining your role among them and how you can best help move the project forward.

Are You “The Expert”?

Thinking back to our scenarios above, have you been brought in to lead a team of developers transitioning to a new technology, or are you joining a team where you’re more of a hired gun?

As developers, we all have opinions about how architectural decisions should be made or how projects should be run. If you’re leading the team, you probably have more ability to voice those opinions and have the project move in that direction. However, if you’re just working as another set of hands on an existing team with leadership in place, you might find your suggestions don’t carry much weight, especially when you’re first joining the project.

Either way, it’s important to not make snap judgements about the state of the project that you’ve been brought into. If you’ve been writing code for any stretch of time, you know that real-world constraints often force developers to write code they’re less than proud of.

Jumping into a project and immediately criticizing all the work that’s been done is a surefire way to instantly become the least popular member of the team, and you’ll have a hard time changing that negative first impression.

Who Can You Go to for Help?

As you get introduced to all the new pieces of this project (workflow, code, people, and schedule), it’s important to have someone on the team that you feel comfortable going to for help or to ask any questions about your new working environment. Sometimes, this is the person you directly report to, but often a peer or someone else more familiar with the project can be a better resource.

Whoever this person is, it’s important to either find them yourself or ask the person who hired you to identify the best resource for you. Struggling with getting added to a project and wasting time when someone already familiar with the project could have answered your question isn’t a good way to start off your contract.

Day One on Your New Team

As with starting any new job, there will be plenty of housekeeping tasks to keep you busy on your first day.

Paperwork is a certainty, but you’ll also deal with getting your computer set up with their version control system, VPN, ticketing system, and build tools; you may even get a company email address! This all happens before you write a single line of code.

It can be overwhelming, but hopefully the company will have documentation in place to help you get acquainted with their existing procedures. If now, find a point of contact on the team who can help you with any concerns you have while getting set up.

Once you’re up and running on all the company’s systems, it can be helpful to start looking through the ticketing system. By looking at which types of tickets are coming in more frequently, you can get a sense of the current priorities of the project.

Perhaps more notably, tickets that have been sitting in the queue for a long time—especially ones with lots of back-and-forth discussion—may be areas of the project that are complex or particularly contentious.

Once you’ve surveyed the project and all the open tickets, you might find there’s a ticket with a limited scope that you can use to experiment with the codebase.

Working on a simple ticket and actually digging into the code will give you a sense for how the project is structured and any local tooling that you forgot to set up. In addition, the questions that this initial investigation creates will help you get up to speed quicker on the codebase and workflow in general.

If you manage to solve an existing small ticket, that’s great! Check with any documentation you received at the beginning of the project to make sure you’ve followed all requisite development practices. Try to bring in someone else on the team and make sure there aren’t any code standards or anything else that you should have been following for this first contribution. If there is a formal code review process, your code is probably ready for that at this point.

Going through this process may take you longer than just your first day, but once you’ve gotten even a simple contribution all the way through the process, you’re well on your way to getting familiar with the codebase and the project as a whole.

Getting up to Speed on the Codebase

If you’ve looked through the ticketing system and even made a contribution, you should have a clearer idea as to how at least part of the codebase is structured. Now is the time when you should start figuring out how to make larger contributions. One of the best ways to do this is to work with your new teammates.

Asking questions like “What is the most important thing being worked on right now?” or “Where is a lot of effort being spent without much result?” can give you areas to investigate. These questions are also important to ask your direct supervisor if it’s appropriate. If you’re reporting to a project manager or tech lead, they might have visibility into other areas of the project that your peers don’t.

In addition to asking these questions, pair-programming with a teammate as they work through one of their existing tickets can be a good way to find things to watch out for in the current codebase. This can also illuminate workarounds that existing team members have developed to help them work faster.

If you’re not in a position to eliminate these workarounds with more proper solutions (see “Are You ‘The Expert’?” above), you can at least use them for now to make yourself more efficient until the root cause can be addressed. As you’re pairing, ask them to take you through the entire process of how the application is loaded, including pulling in dependencies and anything else required to render the application, if you have time.

Asking intelligent questions and getting thorough answers is one of the quickest ways to get immersed in the codebase and start making a meaningful impact. Be sure to have a point of contact who is familiar with the code and the workflow who can help you.

Moving Forward

Working as a freelancer with an in-house development team isn’t always easy, but it can be rewarding. Many freelancers turn these projects into full-time jobs, and even if it doesn’t end up that way, you can take pride in helping a team ship a product with the flexibility of still being open to other opportunities.

However, operating as an outsider alongside a larger team is not without its challenges. If you can bring the soft skills of getting involved with the team and helping them accelerate the project as well as the technical skills to get immersed in the codebase quickly, you can have a large impact on the team as a whole. This means a successful project for you, the company that hired you, and your newfound peers.

It can be a challenge, but getting exposed to a different way of working can make you a better developer and a more well-rounded contributor in the future. Make sure to stay in touch with your former client in case you can help out in the future, and you can turn this win into an even bigger one down the road!

This post originally appeared on and all images are courtesy of

Accidentally Becoming The Lead Developer

Last Monday, I was happy to finally get the opportunity to contribute to a blog I’ve been a reader of for a long time: Simple Programmer.  I talked a bit about my journey as a developer and how others can learn from it.  Looking for a guest contributor to your own blog? Don’t hesitate to reach out.  Now, let’s get to the post:

When I began working as a developer, I was deeply focused on the little things: how an algorithm works, the exact syntax for the language I was writing in, why an answer on Stack Overflow broke my code, and all the other roadblocks along the way.

As I advanced in my career and those roadblocks stopped getting in my way as often, I became more focused on what my code was actually doing. I transitioned into my first full-time developer role, where I was assigned tasks by my project manager and completed them one at a time, taking on bigger pieces of the project as I grew more confident and capable.

Then, all of a sudden, I found myself working on a project that was a little different.

There were two developers with less experience than me on the project team, I was working directly with the client’s technology team, and there was no senior developer specifically assigned to my project.

I had accidentally become the lead developer.

How Is Being a Lead Developer Different From Working as a Typical Developer?

Being a lead developer isn’t easy, and it comes with many challenges. You’ll have to adapt to changes in your workflow, receive more interruptions from others expecting you to weigh in on issues broader than what you were used to in an individual contributor role, and juggle the tasks of both a creator and a coordinator.

One of the first things I found when I assumed this new role is that my daily workflow changed quite quickly. I was used to coming into the office in the morning, sitting down, and cranking out a couple hours of code with my headphones in, all before heading to lunch and being more social and collaborative for the rest of the afternoon. I was accustomed to being a “creator.”

As the lead developer, it seemed like I was coming into the office with a bunch of emails to answer from other people in the company checking in on a project, and questions from the other developers on my team. I’d have open pull requests waiting for my review, and I would already have meetings on my schedule. I had been forced to become a “coordinator.”

This can happen quickly or you might find that your coordinator tasks creep in more slowly. In either situation, it’s important to recognize when you’re working on creator tasks or coordinator tasks and adapt your work accordingly.

Creator vs Coordinator

These new responsibilities would have been fine if I was able to recognize them as my new focus and shift from creator mode to coordinator mode. But I wasn’t. I still convinced myself that I could fit in a full day’s worth of writing code in between meetings, phone calls, and desk visits from other developers.

Looking back on it now, that was a recipe for disaster.

Convinced the only time I could get “real work” done was after everyone else had gone home, I started staying at the office later to get coding done after a whole day of coordinating the project. Spoiler alert: This isn’t sustainable.

Managing a team, coordinating development work, consulting on architecture, and helping with things like debugging and deployment are all real work, even if you’re not directly writing code. As an individual contributor, you’re used to measuring your work by how many commits you pushed that day or how many lines of code you wrote on a particular project.

The work you do as a lead developer is much less tangible, but potentially even more important. You’re affecting your entire team’s ability to be productive and this impact ripples out to be even larger than what you could have contributed to the project as an individual.

As someone used to being a developer full time, this concept can be difficult to grasp, but taking a step back from purely writing code allows you to better manage your team. Although the creator role is the one you’re more familiar with, you can’t neglect or avoid the coordinator role just because it’s unfamiliar or scary.

As a lead, you’ll code much less. You won’t give it up completely, as there are still optimizations and refactoring you can contribute to the project because you’re able to see the bigger picture. However, as a coordinator, you’ll help others write their code in the most efficient way possible rather than write it yourself. You’ll use your coding skills to save others on your team time and frustration rather than ship everything yourself.

Your Team’s Success = Your Success

As a lead developer or tech lead, your number one priority is keeping your team on track and helping them thrive. As a creator, your success was based on how efficiently you were able to complete the tasks you were assigned. Now, as a lead, your success is when your team achieves their goals and ships what they’ve been tasked with. Sometimes, this might derail whatever you’re currently working on. As the lead, though, it’s important to be able to put your work aside to help your team.

As a lead developer, you’ll find that on every project, there’s work that more junior team members will not have the skills to tackle, such as deployment, integration with outside systems, and anything that’s a bit more ambiguous than the clearly defined features they’re used to. These are exactly the kinds of messy tasks that you should take on as a lead. Figuring out these sorts of processes will help your team be more productive without taking the project’s less seasoned developers away from contributing directly to the project.

Another important part of being a lead is helping your team develop the skills necessary for them to succeed. When assigning a task to a developer, try to feel out if they believe they have the knowledge to complete it. If not, it’s often helpful to sit down and walk through some scaffolding code together. Even just writing out in code comments the general flow of how the feature should be implemented can help kickstart development and take the burden of staring at a “blank page” off the less experienced members of your team.

You’re the Leader, Not the Dictator

As the lead developer, it’s now your job to make high-level technical decisions and arbitrate technical disputes between your team. However, this doesn’t mean you should make unilateral decisions without consulting your team.

When it comes to a decision such as what approach to take when developing a certain feature, members of your team are likely to have their own ideas about the way to proceed. It’s important to take these opinions into account and evaluate them.

There will be times when a member of your team offers a better approach and it’s important to allow this discussion to take place. You may be the lead, but you will be wrong at times, which is why you need to hear out all ideas and approaches before moving forward. You’re on a team, so you don’t have to make all the decisions on your own, and it’s important to use all your resources.

However, over the course of having these important discussions, some disagreements will arise. There will be times when two different members of your team disagree on the technical approach and you will have to arbitrate this dispute.

Developers can be strong-willed, especially when it comes to defending their code and ideas. This is great, but it’s also important as the mediator to not let these discussions get personal. The focus should be on the technical merits of each approach being suggested. These mediation skills can be tough to learn, but as you participate in more of these conversations, you’ll learn how to lead developers with different views and get them to rally behind a common solution.

You Have a Whole New Set of Skills to Learn

Early on in your career as a developer, you probably focused mostly on learning technical skills such as new programming languages, new editors, and new build tools. However, now that you’re in a lead role, you need to learn some soft skills as well. These are skills such as breaking down a larger project into its component tasks, dealing with budget issues, and hiring and training other developers.

There is a whole set of management skills that most developers dismiss as not important. Now that you’re a lead developer, you can no longer have this attitude. Two great resources to get started are Peopleware and The Mythical Man-Month. Each of these books looks at the lifecycle of a development project from the point of view of a manager and provides a perspective on how to manage a team when you’re not the one writing all the code.

The most important skill to learn in your new lead developer role is the ability to keep track of multiple tasks in your head without getting overwhelmed. Previously, as an individual contributor, you had more leeway to focus on one task until it was completed, removing dependencies yourself with that singular focus of getting it completed.

In your new role, there will be tasks where you will decide on a course of action, but not be able to move forward until some other dependency gets completed. It’s important to move on to other tasks and have the presence of mind to come back to your original task when you can actually move forward on it.

In addition, it’s important to learn from others who have been here before you. One of the best ways you can transition into the lead developer role is to learn from developers who have become managers in the past. Patrick Kua has a great talk on what he has seen while leading and being part of various development teams.

As you continue into your new role, it’s important to focus on learning all the skills that you’ll need to be successful and not just on the technical skills, because those already come more naturally to you. You might find yourself reading business and leadership books that you once thought had nothing to offer you. And that’s great! Developing these skills can take you past a lead developer position into a role as a project manager or an even larger management position.

Moving Forward as a Lead Developer

Lead developer is a role that some developers try to achieve throughout their entire careers. If managing technical people is something you enjoy and you’re lucky enough to move up into this role, you can find more satisfaction in your work and your career.

One of the greatest rewards of becoming a lead developer is when all your hard work pays off and you see your team succeed. It’s an incredible feeling to watch junior developers take the new skills you’ve taught them and apply them to your team’s work. Or to see the approach you decided on as a team work out and have the project ship on time. This satisfaction is one of the best parts of being a lead developer and something not many developers think about when accepting this role.

It’s important to remember that you now have to balance the two roles of creator and coordinator, and not lean too far to either side. Keeping that in mind will help you transition into this new role seamlessly and propel your team forward.

This post originally appeared on and all images are courtesy of

10 Talks We Would Love to Give in 2018

A couple years ago, I wrote a post that was very popular with conference organizers called “10 Conference Talks I’d Love to Give“. This was great for both myself and organizers because if they were looking for a specific talk that no one had submitted, this offered a wide selection.

With that in mind, I’ve updated that list for 2018 with talks we’d like to give to conferences, meetups and even clients. These encompass the topics that we help clients with at Alpha Particle and that we see as growing in importance in 2018 and beyond.

Do you run a conference where one of these talks would fit into your schedule? Or maybe you’re looking to start a lunch-and-learn session at your company. Reach out ( and let’s talk about how we could make one of these sessions work.

 The Web is Mobile First: What are your options besides an app?

The web has been transitioning to more and more mobile-heavy use for years. Now the “mobile-first” web is finally here and any company not providing a mobile experience is lacking in their offering. But, going the route of developing a full mobile app isn’t the only way to take part in this mobile web. In this talk we’ll look at progressive web apps, responsive websites, and hybrid apps as options to take your business to your mobile customers.

How Voice Interfaces will Transform Marketing in 2018

The next generation of devices is here, and they’re all voice enabled. With the rise of technologies like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant and Microsoft’s Cortana, businesses need to think about how to structure their offerings to be compatible with these interfaces. This talk will explore how voice search is influencing SEO and customer acquisition as well as how to adapt to give customers a viable voice-interface option to interact with your services.

Selling DevOps To Non-Technical Management

DevOps principles are great but can be tough to introduce to a legacy development process. Our team was once called into a project that had taken 5 years with nothing to show for it.  The project now needed to launch in 6 months. We had to make huge changes under management that was used to a more traditional workflow. This transformation allowed us to fit in the new timeline and exceed expectations. This talk will be a look at how we introduced a build system, updated version control practices and changed communication standards at a company with a decade old toolset and mindset. We’ll also examine how a fragile server provisioning and rigid deploys were transitioned to a more fluid DevOps model. Together, these changes resulted in greater development velocity and a much smoother process from ticket to deploy.

Hiring the Developer Your Team Needs

Hiring is hard, especially when looking for developers to build out a team.You may not need the absolute transcendent developers, but you need whoever you hire to compliment your existing team. To this end, it’s important to know what kind of developer you’re hiring and how your candidates fit into the various developer “tropes”. Do you need a senior developer who can lead the project? Can you leverage your existing talent in mentor roles by hiring more junior developers to build out the team? We’ll look at how to keep the structure of your team in mind when hiring and at where to find developers outside the usual hiring channels. No “rockstar” job descriptions allowed.

What is The Cloud?

Cloud technologies and environments have become the defacto standard for deploying new applications. All these different technologies can be confusing. In this talk, we’ll look at some of the most popular use cases for cloud technology, how to transition existing apps and web products to the cloud and how all the different pieces can fit together to reduce costs and time to market for new features and infrastructure changes.

It Takes a Village: From Intern to Lead Developer

Many of the newest employees in the tech industry (myself included) begin at the intern level. To accommodate the various transitions this journey entails, it’s important to find mentors, both internal and external to the organization. This talk examines my journey from intern to lead developer at a digital agency for those looking to make this journey and how to be the resource your junior coworkers most need for those that are already there.

Unlocking a Faster Development Workflow with Automation

Ever feel like you’re performing the same tasks again and again? Usually, these are things like manually deploying code, running the same repetitive commands in the command line, or writing the same snippets of code over and over in your editor. In this talk, we’ll look at automating deploys, creating shortcuts in the command line for commonly used commands, and even making your code editor smart enough to auto-complete some of your code for you. Come learn how to better use the tools you already have to become a faster and more productive developer!

The Accidental Lead Developer

When I began my career as a developer, I was focused on the little things: how an algorithm works, the exact syntax for the language you’re writing in, why an answer on Stackoverflow broke my code, and all the other roadblocks along the way. As I advanced in my career and little things like syntax and common errors stopped getting in my way as often, I could be more focused on what my code was actually doing. Then suddenly, I found myself working on a project that was a little different. There were two developers more junior than me on the project team, I was working with the client’s technology team, and there was no senior developer assigned to my project. I had accidentally become the Lead Developer.

Many tech leads come into the role not on purpose but by being the best fit for the role on a certain project. In this talk, I’ll tell the story of how I became a tech lead out of necessity and how you can avoid some of my mistakes.

Open Source for Non-Developers

Open source software is taking the world by storm and by now, most of us use at least one open source tool every day. But, joining that community of people who use and contribute to open source tools can seem daunting. It doesn’t have to be! In this talk, we’ll dive into what open source software really is, how tools like Github make collaborating on software easy, and walk through an example of how you can contribute to the tools you use every day, without writing a line of code!

Don’t Let the Command Line Scare You

Early in your development career, you might run across an answer on StackOverflow that gives you some commands to run in the command line. Or you might just have ssh access to a server without FTP to fall back on. Working in the command line doesn’t have to be scary and often, it can help you be a more efficient and effective developer.

In this talk, we’ll explore the basics of getting around the command line and some common situations you’ll run into. These will include deploying your site, navigating a remote server, and speeding up your local development workflow!

If you’re interested in adding any of these into your curriculum as either a conference or Meetup organizer or looking to bring some new knowledge to your team, use the contact form below to get in touch and let’s talk soon!

You Have 5 Minutes: Ignite Chicago

I’m no stranger to public speaking, but a couple months ago when I came across the concept of Ignite talks, I was in for an interesting new challenge.  If you haven’t heard of Ignite Talks before, it’s a format of public speaking where your entire talk is comprised of 20 slides, each 15 seconds in duration, which auto-advance underneath your talk for a total length of 5 minutes.

I’m used to giving talks more in the 45-60 minute range (Looking to host a workshop at your company? Let’s talk.), so building a talk that told a complete story in 5 minutes was going to be something different for me. Couple that with the fact that I didn’t have control over advancing my slides, and it seemed I was in for more of a performance than the workshop-like talks I was used to.

In the end, I took my inspiration from a passage in Seth Godin’s Linchpin and spoke about times when opportunities in my career made me fearful and unsure.

The audience that night got to hear about how I deleted an entire website with no backup. They heard how saying “yes” to the biggest project I’ve ever taken on has gotten me to where I am today. Fear played a role in both of those actions. Godin provides us with a framework for how to deal with fear when it comes to opportunities. He writes:

What separates the linchpin from an ordinary person is the answer to this question.  Most of us feel the fear and react to it. We stop doing what is making us afraid. Then the fear goes away. 

The linchpin feels the fear, acknowledges it, then proceeds.  I can’t tell you how to do this; the answer is different for everyone.  What I can tell you is that in today’s economy, doing it is a prerequisite for success.

To me, that’s super powerful.  Everyone encounters fear at some point in their career and how you deal with can set you apart or it can hold you back.

It turns out that this Ignite talk became the perfect example of such an opportunity. I can’t remember the last time I was nervous to give a talk in front of an audience. But as I stepped up and took the microphone off the stand, my hands were shaking a bit.

But like the other times I’ve embraced fear in my career, everything turned out OK. My slides got ahead of me a little bit, but I was able to catch up.  5 minutes flies by when you’ve got the lights on you and the mic in your hand.

I shared great stories with audience members after the event and had a great time hearing the other speakers share their experiences.

Taking on this new format was a bit of a risk for me, but it was absolutely worth it.  If you think you might enjoy doing the same, head over to and click on that big “I Want to Speak” button.

Feel the Fear. Acknowledge it. Proceed.

I hope to be hearing from you at the next Ignite Chicago!

Contributing to WordPress: From Beginning to Closed Ticket

One of the benefits of WordPress is that it’s open source and improving every single day thanks to the WordPress community. Yet, few people know exactly what that process looks like. When you identify a bug in WordPress, where is that information reported? Who fixes it? And how does it get pushed out to over 28% of the web in the next WordPress Core release?

This post is a text version of my talk given at WordCamp NYC 2017. The slides are on found on SlideShare and a video version is available on

We’ve discussed open source contributions on the blog before, but how does such a large project manage this process? WordPress uses a tool called Trac, which is “an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects”. As an open source project, all the discussion and work happening on Trac is visible online at Trac handles all the incoming code through a version control tool called SVN. Let’s look at this process in more detail.

What does the process look like?

All changes or bug fixes to WordPress start out as a ticket. With a ticket, the reporter details the bug they’re seeing or the feature they’re requesting. If you’re filing a ticket, it’s important to be as specific and provide as much information as possible. This reduces ambiguity and allows that ticket to get started faster.

Once a ticket is on Trac, discussion ensues on that ticket. This discussion can involve anything from debating approaches, whether the intended functionality should be in WordPress at all, or even clarifying the initial ticket if it wasn’t specific enough. At a certain point, the discussion clarifies enough information and it’s time to start contributing code.

Getting set up to contribute

First, you’ll have to have a local environment set up with the latest version of WordPress. Further information on how to set up a local environment is available on Once your local environment is set up, it’s time to pull down the latest code. The easiest way to do this is to use an SVN client and handle the entire development process in SVN. But, if you’re more familiar with Git, you can use Git and GitHub to create your patches.

Now that you’ve got your environment set up, you can go about writing and testing your code needed to fix the bug. If you’ve confirmed that your changes fix the bug, you can generate what’s called a patch file. A patch file is a text file that tells Trac and other developers what you changed. It looks something like this:

An example of a patch to WordPress Core

That patch file notates that I added three lines of javascript code. Once you have this patch file, you can upload it to Trac to share with the community. Contributors add more discussion and patches until they agree upon a solution.

As a slight sidebar: One of the most important things you can do when contributing is to make sure you follow the coding standards. This ensures that the coding style of WordPress is consistent, even with hundreds of different contributors. For more information about the WordPress Coding Standards, see

Once the latest patch is ready to go, this ticket gets assigned to a future release. Next, a core committer commits your code and it’s released! With that, your code goes out into the world and you’ve helped make the web a little better.

How do I actually get started?

In addition to Trac, WordPress manages discussions around tickets and contributions in the Make WordPress Slack team. Joining this team allows you to see the discussion around WordPress development. The first step to contributing is to head over to and join the Slack team. From there, you can join the discussion and meet some of the people who are already helping out.

All other information about contributing to WordPress lives on This includes which teams need help, what’s they’re working on, and more specific information about the contribution process.

If this is your first time contributing code, check out tickets that have been tagged for first-time contributors. These are bugs that are either very well-defined or very specific to one area of WordPress and won’t need very in-depth knowledge to fix. These are perfect for getting used to the contribution process.

That’s it!

Now that you’ve got a handle on the process, get out there and start contributing! There’s so much more than code that you can contribute: documentation, design, or even helping with project management. If you’ve got any more questions, don’t hesitate to reach our via email or Twitter.